Staff Updates

Nichi-Bei-GO Races at Riverdale Regional Park

Team Nichi-Bei-GO at the CODA Regatta

Team Nichi-Bei-GO at the CODA Regatta

The JASC Dragon Boat team, Nichi-Bei-GO, had a fun-filled start to the season out on Mann-Nyholt Lake in Adam’s County this past Saturday. With just a few sprinkles to keep things cool, the team paddled in 3 races along with a tug-o-war competition on the water. Most of our paddlers were novices, so we did a quick workshop on land and then moved into the boat to learn and practice how to paddle. We paddled our hearts out, smiled, laughed, got wet and in general had a fantastic day. It was a joy to mingle and paddle with other teams and engage with the Dragon Boat community. A big thanks to CODA (Colorado Dragon Boat Alliance) for organizing the regatta and for all the support they have lent us as we grow our team this year. We are looking forward to more smiles on the water this summer season!