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Setsubun is Feb 3rd!

節分 (Setsubun) literally means "seasonal division", referring to the day just before 立春 (Risshun), the first day of spring in the old Japanese calendar.

The main rituals during Setsubun are 豆まき (mamemaki) and eating 恵方巻 (ehoumaki). Mamemaki is the act of throwing roasted soybeans at demons in order to chase the bad spirits out of the home and usher in good luck while shouting "鬼は外!福は内” (Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!) or Devils out! Fortune in! After that, you eat the same number of soybeans as your current age- one bean for each year. Alternatively, some people use snacks other than soybeans and enjoy throwing and catching these instead.

Ehomaki is an uncut sushi roll and there are three rules for eating it:

  1. Don't cut the roll into small pieces. You have to eat it whole.

  2. Eat it facing the year's lucky direction.

  3. Don't talk anything while eating.

If you don't follow these rules, you will lose all your good luck. Please be careful!

You can learn more about Setsubun and how to make Ehomaki by watching this video.